Plaża Mrzeżyno

Folga Resort

Facility regulations



1.This document defines the rights and obligations of the Company and the Client.

2.Services are provided by the Company via the website www.folgaresort. pl using the reservation system and the Przelewy24 payment system.

3.The terms used below have the following meanings:

3.1.Customer — making the Reservation, a natural person with full legal capacity, a legal person or an organizational unit that is not a legal person and which is granted legal capacity by law.

3.2.Reservation fee – reservation fee of 30% of the total amount (in PLN, gross) of hotel services ordered by the Customer, rounded to whole zlotys.

3.3.Resort – Folga Resort, ul. Letniskowa 34, 72-330 Mrzeżyno,, +48 506 280 618, managed by the Company.

3.4.Regulations – this document.

3.5.Spół – Awest Plucińscy sp. k. with its registered office in Resko (72-315), ul. Tadeusza Kościuszki 14C, registered in the register of entrepreneurs, registration court: District Court for Szczecin-Centrum in Szczecin, 13th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, NIP: 2530341980, REGON: 367725523, KRS: 0000685816. reservation system – reservation system provided by Tomasz Długopolskie running a business under the name Długopolski Tomasz Tomasz Długopolski, ul. Szrenicka 46, 58-560 Jelenia Góra, NIP: 6131029697, which is used to make a Reservation on the website www

3.7.Reservation agreement (Reservation) agreement concluded between the Customer and Spó by electronic means, which authorizes the conclusion of a Hotel Agreement, on the terms provided for in the Regulations of the Resort.

3.8.Hotel agreement the agreement concluded between the Client and the Company at the time of collect the Reservation, provided that you accept the Resort Regulations, pay the remaining amount for the hotel services selected by the Customer and pay the deposit specified in point IV.1. Regulations.

3.9. Hotel services – available on the website accommodation service at the Resort, special packages or additional services.



1.In order to make a Reservation, the Customer must have access to the Internet and have an e-mail address to which the message confirming the Reservation is sent (if the Reservation process is completed) or an e-mail about the need to pay the Reservation Fee (if the Reservation process is not completed).

2.To obtain assistance or an answer to any question related to the Reservation, the Customer should contact the Resort directly: < span>, +48 506 280 618.

3.The reservation system allows the Customer to set up a user account, which the Customer can use to handle all reservations made via the reservation system (including those from other suppliers). in accommodation services). The provider of the account service in the reservation system, who is solely responsible for its operation and determines the technical requirements necessary to use this service, is Tomasz Długopolski, running a business under the name Długopolski Tomasz Tomasz Długopolski, ul. Szrenicka 46, 58-560 Jelenia Góra, NIP: 6131029697.

4.Payment for the Reservation can be made by the Customer using the Przelewy24 payment system. The payment service provider specified in point III.1.3.a-b. The Regulations are PayPro S.A. based in Poznań,  ul. Pastelowa 8, 60-198 Poznań, KRS: 0000347935, ry is solely responsible for the provision of this service and determines the requirements necessary to use it.< /p>


1.To make a Reservation, the Customer must take the following actions: Hotel service;

1.2.fill in the required personal data in the form and add any comments regarding the Reservation; the Reservation Fee via one of the selected payment methods: card (Visa, Mastercard, Eurocard, JCB, Diners Club, Polcard);

b.payments by electronic bank transfer (mTransfer, Płakę z Inteligo, MultiTransfer, Przelewy24);

c.standard bank transfer.

2.When selecting the payment method from point 1.3.a. and 1.3.b. above, The Customer will be redirected to the page enabling the payment of the Reservation Fee via the Przelewy24 payment system. Data is authorized by connecting to the Przelewy24 payment system using an encrypted 128-bit protocol. After the payment is accepted by the Przelewy24 payment system, the Customer is automatically notified by e-mail about the payment confirmation and the reservation. The e-mail confirming the Reservation contains: Customer data, hotel name, offer description, total price of the stay, amount of the paid Reservation Fee and the amount to be paid at the Resort.

3.When selecting the payment method from point 1.3.c. above, The Customer will receive an e-mail confirmation of the Initial Reservation, which will be confirmed after paying the Reservation Fee. The reservation made in this way is valid for 48 hours. If payment is not received within this time, the Resort reserves the right to cancel it. After paying the Reservation Fee, the Customer will receive an e-mail confirming the Reservation.

4.The reservation fee is 30% of the total amount (in PLN, gross) of the hotel services ordered by the Customer and is rounded to whole zlotys. The Customer pays the remaining amount for Hotel Services on-site at the Resort upon receipt of the Reservation in order to conclude the Hotel Agreement. At the request of the Resort staff, the Customer is obliged to present an e-mail confirming payment of the Reservation Fee.

5.The reservation is considered made when an e-mail is sent to the Customer confirming the payment of the Reservation Fee and making the Reservation. If the e-mail is not received, the Customer should check SPAM messages or contact the Resort.

6.The Resort reserves the right to refuse to make a Reservation if there are no available rooms in the Resort. In such a case, the Customer will receive a message to the e-mail address provided that it is impossible to make a Reservation. In this situation, the Resort will refund (no later than within 14 days) the Reservation Fee paid to the Customer using the payment method used by the Customer when making the Reservation.

7.The comments entered by the Customer in the form do not bind the Resort in any way. The resort does not guarantee their fulfillment. The Resort reserves the right to contact the Customer by e-mail or telephone to discuss them and inform about their payment. Appropriate information may also be provided upon receipt of the Reservation. Hotel services ordered in the comments will be provided only after the Customer accepts the terms of their implementation.


1.The Customer who has made the Reservation is entitled to collect it and conclude the Hotel Agreement. The hotel contract will be concluded subject to acceptance of the Resort Regulations, payment of the remaining amount of the ordered hotel services (after deducting the amount of the Reservation Fee) and a deposit of PLN 1,000 gross.

2.The customer acknowledges that:

2.1.violation of the Resort Regulations in the cases indicated therein may result in termination of the hot contractelowa with immediate effect. In this situation, the Customer will have to leave the Resort immediately.

2.2.the deposit serves to secure the Resort's claims resulting from damage caused to the Resort by the Customer. The deposit is returned to the Customer within 7 days from the end of the stay at the Resort, on the terms specified in the Resort Regulations.

3.In the event of any inconsistency between these Regulations and the Resort Regulations, the provisions of these Regulations shall prevail.


1.The Client agrees to comply with the terms and conditions applicable at the Resort, including, but not limited to, the Resort Regulations, and to pay all amounts due on time, as well as to comply with all guidelines, rules and restrictions, in particular those imposed legal provisions or recommendations of relevant authorities and services applicable in the Ministry.

2.The customer is obliged to use true data, including personal data, which he has the right to use.

3.If the Reservation is made for a natural person conducting business or professional activity on their own behalf, a legal person or an organizational unit that is not a legal person, which is granted legal capacity by law, on behalf of the above-mentioned. entity Reservations can only be made by a person duly authorized to represent the above-mentioned entity. entity.  The Resort is entitled at any time to request the person making the Reservation to send a document confirming the authorization to act on behalf of the Customer.

4.The customer undertakes not to take any actions that are inconsistent with the provisions of generally applicable law or good practices.

5.The Resort undertakes to fulfill the terms and conditions of the Reservation.


1.The customer acknowledges that in accordance with Art. 38 section 1 point 12 of the Act on Consumer Rights, he is not entitled to withdraw from the Reservation Agreement.

2.If the Reservation is canceled at least 14 days before its commencement, the Resort will refund the entire Reservation Fee to the Customer. In the event of later cancellation or failure to show up at the Resort, the reservation fee is non-refundable. In extraordinary situations, at the request of the Customer, the Resort may agree to change the date of the Reservation or its conditions. To do this, please contact the Resort. The final decision in this regard rests with the Ministry.


1.The Customer is solely responsible for the selection of the booked Hotel Services and their suitability for their own needs and those of the people for whom they make the Reservation.

2.The customer is responsible for his own actions and omissions, including providing incorrect information or failure to comply with the Regulations and the Reservation Regulations.

3.The resort or the provider of the HotelSystems.plreservation system are not responsible for interrupting the process of completing the reservation form at the stage of filling in the form (abandoning the shopping cart) by the Customer. The Customer is required to start filling out the reservation form again.

4.Leaving the Resort before the date of the paid stay at the Resort or not using the hotel services does not entitle the Customer to a refund of the paid price, unless the Customer has agreed otherwise with the Resort.

5.The resort or the provider of the reservation system are not responsible for:

5.1.incorrectly entered data by the Customer;

5.2.lack of Customer's access to the Internet or limitations in its availability;

5.3.limitations or malfunctions of the Customer's software or devices;

5.4.damages incurred and lost profits by the Client, which were caused as a result of the actions or omissions of third parties and which were beyond the Resort's influence.< /span>

5.5.damages incurred and lost profits by the Customer, which were caused as a result ofoccurrence of force majeure;

5.6.payments made using the Przelewy24 payment system.

6.The exclusions or limitations of liability provided for in the Regulations do not apply in cases where, due to the content of mandatory legal provisions, it is not possible to exclude or limit liability, in particular do not apply to damage caused intentionally.


1.Complaints regarding services provided by the Resort under the Regulations may be submitted by the Customer by letter or electronically to the Resort's details indicated in point. 3.3. Regulations.  The complaint should include the following information: name, surname, address of the Customer, e-mail address provided when booking and a description of the problem that occurred while using the hotel services.

2.The Resort responds to the Customer's complaint within 14 days from the date of its receipt. The response to the complaint will be sent in the same form in which it was submitted.


1.The principles of personal data processing and privacy protection conditions are set out in the Privacy Policy available at:

2.The recipients of the Customer's personal data are the following entities:

2.1.provider of the reservation system;

2.2.payment system provider Przelewy24 – PayPro S.A.


1.The Resort has the right to make changes to the Regulations. The changes introduced are effective from the moment they are announced on the website,, provided that the Customer who made the Reservation before the changes were introduced is bound by the Regulations in the version in force on the date of acceptance of the Regulations by the Customer.

2.In matters not regulated in the Regulations, the relevant provisions of Polish law shall apply. Any disputes between the Resort and the Customer who started making or made a Reservation not as a consumer will be resolved by the court having jurisdiction over the seat of the Resort.

3.If any of the provisions of the Regulations are changed or invalidated as a result of a final court decision, the remaining provisions shall remain in force.

4.Information on the possibility for a Customer who is a consumer to use out-of-court methods of dealing with complaints and pursuing claims, as well as the rules of access to these procedures, is available at the headquarters and on the websites of the district consumer rights ombudsmen. in, social organizations whose statutory tasks include consumer protection, Provincial Trade Inspections and on the websites of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection:


4.2. .php;

4.3. .php.

5.Customer who is a consumer for the purpose of amicable resolution of disputes, may use the EU ODR online platform, available at:< span>

6.The regulations are valid from March 1, 2024.< /a>